Forest Schools
For this year’s festival, we’ve exclusively produced four themed weekly forest school videos, all packed with inspiring nature activities to do in the holidays. Plus, each session begins with a magical folkloric tale.
These exciting and informative classes are hosted by Elizabeth Swift of Hauthe Forest Schools and are based around dens, trees, mud and water.
Woodbridge Festival would like to thank the Dedham Vale AONB/Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Sustainable Development Fund for their generosity in supporting this year’s Forest Schools online video/events.
Dens: in this short film we find out how to make a range of different dens and what to do once you have made them.
Trees: there are trees to climb, trees to sit on, trees to look at, and trees to play with. Which one is your favourite and what will you do with the sticks the trees give us?
Mud*: what a lot of mud there is in Woodbridge! In this short film we look at lots of things to do with mud: from modelling to tracking and throwing it at a target.
Water: the perfect antidote to a hot sunny day. This little stream has so many play opportunities. The children are painting, building, paddling and playing games.
*Please be extra cautious around tidal mud, as stated in this film, due to risks – and heed coastguard warnings.
For further information about safety please check with your local coastguard.
*Woodbridge Festival would like to thank the Dedham Vale AONB/Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Sustainable Development Fund for their generosity in supporting this year’s Forest Schools online video/events.